Programme of events 2024-2025.
The Birmingham Medal Society meets on the first Thursday of each month at The Holiday Inn, Kidderminster Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9AB. Each meeting is different and provides a wide range of subjects for medal collectors and historians in all areas. The meetings begin at 1900h with the formal start at 1930h. Members may also wish to meet in the bar area from 5.00pm onwards for a meal or drink.
The programme for the next year is detailed below, for more information please contact us.
Any member wishing to talk about an item on a relevant night can fill a form in upon arrival or complete one in advance by CLICKING HERE and e-mailing on the link to the Secretary.
The programme for the next year is detailed below, for more information please contact us.
Any member wishing to talk about an item on a relevant night can fill a form in upon arrival or complete one in advance by CLICKING HERE and e-mailing on the link to the Secretary.
Thursday 5th September 2024 – The Sea Gallantry Medal to men of the 9th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Dave Seeney will look in detail at this subject.
Thursday 3rd October 2024 - World War I Medal Groups without a Victory Medal. Longstanding member John Scott will introduce this fascinating subject, as it not being awarded the Victory Medal can often lead to an interesting story of someone who generally served overseas during WWI, but did not enter a theatre of war. However, as with all aspects of medal collecting there are often more exceptions to the rule, than the rule itself!
Thursday 7th November 2024 - DRUMMOND LECTURE. “Was It the Suffragettes ‘Wot won it’? Women and the Vote 1867-1928” Peter Huxford former master at Bablake School, Coventry will delve into the interesting world of votes for women, presenting a balanced and detailed look at the various aspects leading up enfranchisement and women being given equal voting rights in 1928
Thursday 5th December 2024 - Conscience, Service and Sacrifice - President, Paul Handford will talk about The History of The Friends' Ambulance Unit's Motor Ambulance Convoys during WWI.
The talk looks at the experiences of those individuals, who for conscience and other reasons, chose to serve in the non-combatant Friends’ Ambulance Unit (Quakers) during World War I. The talk will explore the evolution of the Unit, the main area of work of the Unit – Motorised Ambulance Convoys recovering the French wounded.
The talk considers The Derby (Group) Scheme 1915 , the precursor to the Military Service Act January 1916, and the impact of Military Conscription had on the individual members and the Friends’ Ambulance Unit as a whole, and indeed society as a whole.
The talk also reflects on those members who lost their lives while serving with the FAU.
The talk is supported by medals to conscientious objectors and rare original photographs from Paul’s own private collection.
The talk looks at the experiences of those individuals, who for conscience and other reasons, chose to serve in the non-combatant Friends’ Ambulance Unit (Quakers) during World War I. The talk will explore the evolution of the Unit, the main area of work of the Unit – Motorised Ambulance Convoys recovering the French wounded.
The talk considers The Derby (Group) Scheme 1915 , the precursor to the Military Service Act January 1916, and the impact of Military Conscription had on the individual members and the Friends’ Ambulance Unit as a whole, and indeed society as a whole.
The talk also reflects on those members who lost their lives while serving with the FAU.
The talk is supported by medals to conscientious objectors and rare original photographs from Paul’s own private collection.
Thursday 2nd January 2025 - Recent Acquisitions, Members Own. An opportunity for members to show off their latest medallic acquisitions or to talk about a specific group of medals they have. Always an interesting evening and one full of surprises.
Thursday 6th February 2025 - Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society. Guest speaker Tony Jones from OMRS North will present a detailed look at his field of collecting interest The Liverpool Shipwreck & Humane Society makes honorary awards of medals, parchments, certificates and letters of commendation to people who voluntarily put their own lives or safety at risk by saving or attempting to save other people who are in danger in cases of shipwreck, drowning, fire or any other hazards.
Thursday 6th March 2025 - Arthur Hutt – A Warwickshire VC. Our Patron Phil McDermott, CEO of Worcestershire Medal will look at the life of Arthur Hutt, a Coventry born man who when serving with the 7th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment in October 1917 performed an act of incredibly gallantry ‘in the field’ which saw him awarded the Victoria Cross.
Thursday 3rd April 2025 - Annual General Meeting. Election of New President and Recent Acquisitions. Following the formal business of the evening an opportunity for members to show off their latest medallic acquisitions or to talk about a specific group of medals they have. Always an interesting evening and one full of surprises.
Thursday 1st May 2024 - Members Own ‘Medal Groups with a VE Day Theme. An opportunity for members to bring any groups from their collection that link to a specific VE Day theme – whatever that may be!
Thursday 5th June 2025 - The Special Constabulary Medal. Martin Harrison will introduce this interesting subject. An underrated medal that can often be a part of a much larger interesting group, possess a detailed back story and with an interesting connection to the likes of the Royal Observer Corps. A medal with the first name of the recipient it can also greatly with research.
June – TBA - Mini Convention – details TBA
Thursday 3rd July 2025 - The Best Test Pilot – Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown CBE DSC AFC. Steve Mills will look at the career of this intriguing test pilot Captain Eric Melrose "Winkle" Brown, CBE, DSC, AFC, Hon FRAeS who was a British Royal Navy officer and test pilot flying 487 types of aircraft, more than anyone else in history.